I Am Here to Love (Exterior)
Ink on Cotton with Wooden Dome Structure Accompanied with Heartbeat Sound and Colored Lights
14ft (Diameter) x 7ft (Hight)
This installation employs a geodesic dome structure, which consists of 75 wooded dowels, 26 connection hubs, and 40 triangle stretched cotton fabric. The drawing centers at the top of the dome, spread radially over the audience to the floor. Sound of my heartbeats is played from the outside of the installation. The colored lights from the outside of the installation are programed to correspond with the sound of my heartbeats, resulting the lights to bounce with the heartbeat in various shades of red and orange. The lights from the outside of the installation go through the fabric, and gently glow up the audience, providing the audience with an immersive inner body like experience. The artwork reminds the audience of the universal beginning of our lives. The installation is to embrace and unites the audience as one human kind physically and psychologically. The structure is designed to be easily built by a few people in 30 mins, much like a camping tent. The artwork is collapsible and can be fit in a few cardboard boxes for easy transportation. My goal is to allow this artwork travel around the globe and become a mobile psychological refugee tent for the audience.